Weaving Kreta Ayer
Urban Conservation and Regeneration Strategy
Group 3 - AC5003 AY 2022/2023
What to Mitigate?
The diminishing cultural heritage and identity in the process of developing the place into a tourist destination needs to be addressed in order to reinstate Chinatown as Kreta Ayer. A multilayered district that accommodated various traditions and religion has now shrunk into a commerce district that is overrated for trading and celebrating stereotypical Chinese culture.
General Issues
Departure from Initial Residential Function (Segregation)
The competitive real estate market drove away the community and its trade and the place gradually lost its character.
The community spirit and the authenticity of Kreta Ayer has been sacrificed for monetary gains.
Withering of Defining Community (Gentrification)
The priority change from being a community town to becoming a tourist destination resulted in the locals relocating to public housing and near by districts.
The change in real estate values changed the nature of commerce in the area.
The combination of government policies, along with demography change and the aspirations of developers triggered gentrification.
Constructed Narrative of the Historical Precinct (Gentrification)
Is the place home to the locals ? is it home to the Chinese immigrants? the answer is no.
It is a place that is trying to keep up with the transition from being a home to a tourist place that connects investors and developers better than it connects the locals.
What and how do we want to address the issues?
Need to address and emphasize the intangible heritage that belongs to the national monuments located in Chinatown rather than viewing it as a place of interest to improve tourism.
Back Lanes
Sparsely found community spaces and public places need attention for improvement, redevelopment and connection to the wider region of the town.
It is crucial to improve and make space for capacity buildings in historic districts.
The unsanitary service spaces and underutilized parking spaces can be turned into functional green routes that connect the inner core to the surrounding movement network.